How to add Whitechain network to MetaMask

If you don't have a MetaMask wallet, create one in the app or via an extension in your browser. After that, connect to the main network.

To connect to the main Whitechain Network:

  1. Go to explorer and click "Select Network" at the bottom right of the page;


  1. Select MetaMask wallet from the suggested list;


Note: if you are unable to establish a connection this way, you can also do it manually.

How to connect MetaMask wallet manually?

Follow these simple instructions:

  1. Open the MetaMask extension;
  2. In the list of networks, click "Add network";


  1. On the Add network page, click "Add network manually";


  1. Enter the following information:


  1. Click "Save".


Done! You can now track your WBT balance in your MetaMask wallet.


In case of any questions related to the functionality of the Whitechain network, you can:

  • Leave a request on our website;
  • Write to the Whitechain support e-mail:;
  • Write to the chat using the button in the lower right corner of the screen (in the upper right corner of the WhiteBIT TR app, click ).

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