Ziraat Bankası is one of the largest banks in Turkey. Currently, users of WhiteBIT TR have the opportunity to make Turkish Lira (TRY) deposits using the Ziraat Bankası payment system.
In order to make a TRY deposit using Ziraat Bankası, please follow step-by-step guide:
- Press “Deposit” in the line opposite the Turkish lira currency ticker (TRY).
- After that, the TRY deposit window will open in your browser. Select Ziraat Bankası as your payment provider.
- TRY deposit form with instructions on how to make the payment will appear below. Please read this information carefully.
Please note that you can see information on fees and minimum/maximum deposit amount by clicking on the button. This information is also available on the “Fees” page.
There is no fee on TRY Ziraat Bankası deposits from our side, but your bank may charge it.
The available daily limit for TRY deposits via the Ziraat Bankası is displayed on the deposit page. If this limit is exceeded, the deposit will be credited on the next business day. This limit is affected through all deposits and withdrawals within all Turkish banks.
- Press the “Generate and send payment” yellow button. Copy and paste the payment information in the invoice on the Ziraat Bankası platform. You can use the “Copy invoice data” button for your convenience.
Done! TRY deposit request is ready. You can follow the status of the transaction in the “History” — “Deposits” tab.
Please note that the timeframe for crediting TRY deposits via Ziraat Bankası platform is 1-2 business days.
How to send funds to WhiteBIT TR again without making a request on the deposit page?
In the case that you had successfully deposited funds to WhiteBIT TR previously and repeated the bank transfer from your banking account, the funds will still be credited to your account, as long as all payments details are entered correctly.
What will happen if the amount deposited is different from the amount entered in the deposit page?
Even if the “amount” (the empty field in the image below) you have entered in the deposit page is different from the amount you transferred from your bank account, there will be no issues as long as the “Description” field and other payment details have been entered correctly while sending your bank transfer (Havale/EFT or FAST).
How to make an instant fund transfer to WhiteBIT Global from WhiteBIT TR?
You have deposited funds to WhiteBIT TR and wish to take them back to WhiteBIT Global.
We will walk you through the process of transferring funds with 0 fee by creating WhiteBIT Codes:
1. Go to the WhiteBIT Codes page (as can be seen below in the image provided) on WhiteBIT TR;
2. Select the currency you want to transfer to WhiteBIT Global;
3. Enter the amount you wish to transfer;
4. You can create a password for your WhiteBIT Code and add a Description only you will be able to see. If you don’t want to add anything, simply click “Create”;
5. Proceed to the WhiteBIT Codes on WhiteBIT Global and enter the code you have created;
6. Click “Activate”.
All done, your funds will instantly be transferred to your account.
In case of any questions related to the functionality of our exchange, you can:
- Leave a request on our website;
- Write to the support email: support@whitebit-tr.com;
- Write to the chat using the button
in the lower right corner of the screen (in the upper right corner of the WhiteBIT TR app, click