System page on WhiteBIT TR

System page on WhiteBIT TR provides information about the current status of functionality on the platform, including deposits, withdrawals, transfers, and trading in cryptocurrencies and TRY. Here, users can learn about the availability of various services, the status of currency operations, and more. This is a useful resource for tracking the functioning of the platform and getting up-to-date information about services.

Page elements and features

Main part of the page is occupied by detailed information about the currencies available on the platform. Their names, types, block height and network confirmation are specified. The current status of operations, including deposits, withdrawals, trades and transfers, is also displayed. This section is convenient for monitoring the availability of services for each asset.

  • At the top of the page you can choose to filter your assets, displaying only those you have on your balance or use the search to quickly find the assets you need. You can also sort the corresponding columns for your convenience. On the right side of the screen, the current UTC time and the time of the last data update are displayed.

  • Looking at the list of currencies on the page, you can see data about the current height of the coin block in the network and the required number of confirmations for the deposit of this asset to be credited.

  • Furthermore, in the currency list section you can check whether deposits and withdrawals are available for a particular asset, the current status of trades, and the possibility of transfers between your account balances. This information helps you to quickly assess the available transactions and their status.

  • You can also find additional information on individual currencies. For example, if an asset is in the process of delisting, the page will display a corresponding notification.


Where can I learn more about network confirmations?

You can find detailed information in our article at the link.

Is it possible to check the fees and limits for deposits and withdrawals on different networks and providers?

Yes, you can check this information on our website in the ''Fees'' section at the link.


In case of any questions related to the functionality of our exchange, you can:

  • Leave a request on our website;
  • Write to the support email:;
  • Write to the chat using the button in the lower right corner of the screen (in the upper right corner of the WhiteBIT TR app, click ).

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